Monday, June 25, 2007

Welcome to my new Blog!

So this is my first attempt at blogging. We'll see how it goes. I'm excited about it, I hope that you are too.

So I guess I should start off with the basics. I'm a 25 year old gay, Jewish male who recently relocated to Phoenix (after finishing an intensive two year grad program in Los Angeles) to be with my amazing boyfriend. He and I have been dating long distance for just over two years. The plan was that I would find a job in the public or nonprofit sector (ideally in the Jewish Community) before moving and have the means to move into my own apartment or condo. Well....that plan hasn't exactly worked out. I am still struggling to find a job and in the mean time, I've moved into my boyfriend's condo in Phoenix. So far I love living in the condo with him and his two awesome roommates.

What can you expect from this blog? Cutting edge fashion advice? Probably not, I'm not really that gay (however, I did like a good episode of Project Runway when it was still on the air). Commentary on the fucked up nature of the world? Possible. Exciting perspectives about life in this emerging metropolis? More likely. Rants and raves? Absolutely.

I look forward to the ride. Sit back and enjoy.