Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hillary's Redemption

Hillary was amazing last night! I have to say that I haven't always been a huge Hillary fan, but this speech was absolutely perfect. Not only did she "save her political career" (as the pundits put it) she also united the party. I'm very proud of her and know that, should she want it, there will be a place for her in an Obama administration.

I do still hear some rumblings about why Hillary wasn't seriously considered for VP(especially after this amazing speech). Here's my take on Hill and the veepstakes: VP isn't President and Hillary ran for President. Unfortunately, in the contest for President there is no second place. You either win, or you loose. The Vice President certainly isn't the "second place President" and to offer Hillary that position frankly, in my mind, would have been an insult. Hillary put in way too much work in the primary and is way too strong of a leader for a hands-off position like VP.

Hillary needs a position where she can be out in the spotlight advocating for change like she has for so many years. A position like Secretary of State, where she can utilize the strong relationships she developed with foreign heads of state, or Secretary of Health and Human Services where she can work (again) for universal health care would both be perfect.

Our nation will be better because of this truly historic primary and the work, passion and dedication of Hillary Clinton.

Now, did anyone happen to see Bill Clinton mouth "I love you" when Hillary first took to the podium? I'm sure that Bill does in some way love Hillary, but this was just awkward. Dude, everyone knows that you didn't love her enough not to cheat on her...and in the White House no less. So now, here's your wife in one of the biggest moments of the campaign and possibly of her career and you're thinking about ways that you can capitalize. "I love you." Sure, maybe it was emotion. Maybe Bill was just so overwhelmed by the amazing video tribute to Hillary narrated by Chelsea that he just had to say something. But honestly, at this point, their marriage seems to be more out of convenience than anything else. Bill may "love you" but Hillary, you sure as hell don't need his ass anymore. Bill was a great President, but now he is just plain weird.

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