Monday, August 25, 2008


So I'm surfing the internet and I come across this absolutely ridiculous article.

Yes, it's true. McCain has been endorsed by the all-powerful Daddy Yankee. You know, the Reggeaton star? Oh, you don't know? That's OK, he's really not that important.

Does anyone else think this is hilarious? Another desperate attempt by McCain to seem relevant. I can't wait to see who else they run out to try and steal thunder from the Democrats. I mean, come on Daddy Yankee & John McCain? There's never been a more awkward on-stage pairing in the history of human kind!

The scene is Yankee and McCain during prime time at the Republican National Convention: Yankee and entourage (read: scantily clad Latinas) pull up in a flashy foreign car, bounce around the stage and rap in incomprehensible Spanish (and you know the Republicans LOVE Spanish). Suddenly John emerges from the dark in sunglasses and baggy pants. Naturally, he's being pushed in a tricked out wheel chair by fly-girls. Yankee Raps. Cindy does the running man. John pops wheelies. All in the hall join together and sing "da me mas gasolina" in unison. America is moved to tears!

Of course, preceding this "tribute to America" Ann Coulter will give an invocation praising the Lord and cursing everyone else. And then, yes then, all the Hispanics will want to vote for McCain! They'll say, "Wow, he's just like us! He would be a GREAT President."

Republicans may not be able to guarantee security, prosperity or really anything, BUT at least they'll be able to provide a good show. And this election is all about a good show, right Paris?

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